World Pool-Billiard Association - Official Website of the Artistic Pool Division
Developing, Promoting, and Documenting Official Artistic Pool Competitions / Special Events Worldwide under the WPA umbrella structure (6 continents / 130+ countries)
ACSISA Open Artistic Pool Championship – Announcement
The WPA Artistic Pool Division is pleased to announce the following professional Artistic Pool “world ranked” event for 2015:
ACSISA Open Artistic Pool Championship
Venue – Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, IL (Chicago Suburb)
Dates – March 20 – 22, 2015 (Player’s meeting at 11:00AM on 3/20/15)
Note: In conjunction with ACS (American Cue Sports) IL State Tournament
Entry Fee – $350.00 – payable in “cash only” at venue – OPEN to all players
Awards – ACSISA provided (top 4 places) / Dr. Cue provided (8 disc / 1 sport)
Prize Fund — $2500.00 added by ACSISA, plus all entry fee money collected
Note: 10% of total “entry fee” funds withheld for WPA APD budget items
Code Of Conduct – Reviewed and accepted with email “intent to enter”
Dress Code – Pro attire (dress slacks / shirt / vest / shoes – tie optional)
Program – Shots / challenges (A, B, C options) – same as used in 2014 WC
Format – Standard (total score for 40 challenges determines finish places)
Equipment – 7 foot coin op tables – brand and other items to be announced
Airports – Chicago (O’Hare and Midway) – information available online
Lodging – Pheasant Run Resort room prices to be announced soon
World rankings points awarded at 100% (based on 20 players minimum)
Note: If less than 20 players participate, then 50% ranking points awarded
NOTE: Please address any inquiries about this event to Mark Dimick — dimickmark@aol.com
SPECIAL NOTE: This event is the 1st event under the WPA APD new guidelines for “world ranked events”. We are hopeful that 2015 will be a great year for Artistic Pool expansion as players, fans, private promoters, federations, and other interested parties now have the opportunity to acquire events for our sport with 3 optional levels of “world ranking points” (based on added funding and player field size).
If you have an interest in acquiring and developing an Artistic Pool event in your area, please let us know. We have made the process for getting an event “very easy” with the “A, B, C” event options. Attached are the approved WPA APD event guidelines once again for your review and consideration.
Thank you for helping to grow our magnetic sport art form in you local or regional area, nationally, and around the world.
The WPA APD would like to thank the IL ACS board for their financial / venue provisions and their willingness to host this official WPA World Ranked event.